Istat Academy

iStat Academy is an IT & Business Learning platform that equips people with tailored courses to launch a new career. This website was built on WordPress with a robust and vast content management system as the client had lot of course data to be stored on the website. There was also a need to build a detailed contact form in which extensive details of potential students had to be captured. We used Gravity Form 7 for this purpose. All the data that was input by visitors was easily made accessible to site’s administrator from the backend. He could also export this data in a csv format to his local computer for processing further. 

This website was essentially a information provider and there are Education experts who would tailor courses for you depending on your interest and information provided. So there was some amount of interaction happening on the website between the logged in customers and site admin. We developed a Messaging module that was linked to email notifications as well. 

Tools and Technologies used:

  • WordPress
  • MySQL
  • HTML5, CSS
  • GitHub
  • Gravity Form7
  • Internal Messaging Module
  • SSL Certificate
  • Figma

The design and layout of this website was developed on Figma by our designers. Then its was integrated into the latest version of WordPress and made responsive. The design was mobile friendly, user friendly and adaptable to all browsers and screen sizes. Even the messaging interface was very user friendly. We also provided Social logins so that its customer friendly.