Cullen Diamond

Cullen Diamond is a certified lab grown diamond manufacturer and exporter cum seller of diamond jewelry. They hired us to develop their online ecommerce store with special features like auction, season sales and referral discounts. Based on their requirements, we decided to build the store on WooCommerce. We developed the layout of the store on Adobe XD and after approval installed it on WordPress. Ecommerce part was handled by WooCommerce but we developed some custom functionalities like auction module, referral code generation and custom pricing for handling season sales etc. 

The web store caters to elite customers specifically for newly weds or to-be married couples. the website also has a Book an Appointment feature to cater to custom orders. There is also a section that invites guests and industry experts to give online advice on diamonds and their authenticity. This needs approval from admin before going live on the website. We made a clean, responsive and attractive design to attract the elite clientele. 

Tools and Technologies used:

  • Woocommerce
  • Adobe XD
  • Auction Module
  • WordPress
  • Referral Module
  • Online Book Appointment Module
  • Forum and Blog Posting
  • CCAvenue Payment Gateway
  • MySQL
  • HTML5, CSS

We custom developed the Referral Module in which discount coupons were automatically generated and emailed to the customer upon two successful referrals. The discount codes had certain limits and terms of use for which lot of customization had to be done. The store also had an online auction system that would go online depending on the season and any festival. There were lot of customizations done here also.